Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day #38 - Hoping

The thing about hoping... you never know how hard it'll be if and when things don't work out the way you hoped.

So, I find myself saying I'm not excited, I'm not anticipating anything extraordinary, I'm content with however everything works out, no expectations.

And then, when things fall through, I find myself in tears on the sofa.

So much for not getting ahead of myself huh?!?

How do we keep our emotions from getting the best of us? How can I keep my head on my shoulders and not in the clouds? How do people handle let downs and keep constant faith?

I can say I know God is in control. I do KNOW that. I can say things happen in God's time, not ours, and KNOW that is TRUTH.

For some reason though, sometimes, those truths don't keep my emotions in check.

My hopes, dreams, wishes, prayers... when I feel like they're not being attended to, the way I want them to be... I'm real quick to cry and/or get angry...

Is it a learned thing? I mean, will I ever get to the point that I can just accept things the way they are, even if it's not the way I'd like?

Man - my morning devotional was good today - but after the phone call I just received and all these thoughts running around in my head, I need to reread it!

God's time, not My time.

I'll get there. Eventually. I hope.


371. 3 little girls helping me clean the house today
372. Hearing them playing instead of cleaning
373. Catching up with an old friend
374. Text messaging
375. Music channels on tv keeping me motivated
376. Lenten supper and service last night
377. Wonderful sermon
378. A weekend ahead with no plans
379. A soon to be 5 year old
380. Looking forward to spring after our 52 degree day yesterday


  1. Hey sweet cheeks! Remember something- Jesus, the savior of the world, the most amazing fully human man to walk this Earth yet also fully God wept when Lazarus died and in the garden before he was to be killed. Jesus knew not only that he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead- but He knows we will all face death but that our earthly death begins the reward (and much better) existence in eternal life. And yet, Jesus still had emotions and cried.

    Hang in there- God created your emotions (in HIS image). He doesn't want you to give them up or push them aside. He can totally handle some tears!!!

  2. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
    Jeremiah 29:10-12
