Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day #5 - Long Time Coming

So it's freezing in Michigan, and although most educated people would say that coldness does not make us sick, I beg to differ. We currently have 3 little girls with coughs, runny  noses, and overall ickness, which in turn results in orneryness.

We did decide to leave the house today, in the 14 degree heatwave, and venture out to do a bit of shopping. We went to Menards (I know - SHOCKER!) and WalMart. The excitement never ends around here!!!!

Playoffs are on, I don't care.

Tomorrow evening I start a Bible study. I'm a bit apprehensive, as I've never done one before... And the girls I'm doing it with are "new friends". That is not to suggest that they're not good friends, they're just new... Or I am new, I guess... Because they've all known each other for awhile.
I've struggled to make friends down here. I'm not real sure why... I mean... I know that I feel like it's IMPOSSIBLE to meet people when I don't have a job or go to school and have not found a church that we love yet... But I have met a few people that I guess I just haven't hit it off with.
Maybe I come on too strong? I will admit at this point I'm probably sounding pretty pathetic. We've been down here for two and a half years now. (UGH! That's hard to believe!) So I probably have that look of desperation on my face... I think people might just be running in the other direction.
The women I have met I don't share a whole lot in common with... I've met a crazy partying drinker mom. A married never gonna have children non-mom. An Amish 7 children under 7 mom. A neighbor that invited me for one play date and moved away mom.
Things have not been going my way.
This year my MOPs group has blessed me with these new moms... Wait, I'm new. I'm new. They're not the new ones! I've gotta keep that straight!
I'm excited about what God has in store for me. I know that this Bible study is only going to be fantastic as long as I stay out of God's way! Keep me, and my "friends" in your prayers...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day #4 - Holy Wierdness...

So... I haven't posted in a few days, and I just put 2 of the 3 girls in the bathtub (mommy's quiet time) and decided to wing it...
I was thinking about writing about how we were in Pizza Hut for lunch today, when an older couple (prob 65-70 yrs old) approached us as they were leaving. They said, "Your girls are beautiful and very well-behaved!". We thanked them and they left. I just looked at Miko, and I'm sure I was beaming.
I know that I think my girls are pretty well-behaved. I mean, when they're not, we just leave. We have ordered food before, and then left, waited in the car for them to box it up, and taken it home to eat it. I will not be that parent with the screaming, crazy acting child in the middle of a restaurant... or grocery store... or even WalMart (where it's actually half-way acceptable).
And of course, my parents and in-laws always say my little ones are wonderful but they have to (I mean, they're blood). But there is nothing that makes me feel as accomplished and proud as when a stranger approaches me with something positive to say about my little family. Like I said, I know I beam with pride...
But anyway - I've gotten completely off subject - that's what I WAS gonna write about... That is, until Kate yelled from my master bath, "Mommmmmmeeeeeeeee, there was something ucky in this bath-tub. I threw it on the floor. Can you come see what it is please?" In I went to investigate, thinking it's probably a hair or something, because she's usually freaking out about something ridiculous. Could I be that lucky?!? Oh no... no... no... no... Kate then says, "I think it kinda looks like poop." As I bend down to check it out, I quickly discover that's exactly what it is!
Lauren has been doing a great job with potty training until this very moment. I now have a bathtub full of toys and soapy water, not to mention 2 children, and it's also full of poop! I quickly scoop them out and turn around to pull Michael away from his football game, and crash right into him and his big smile.
Bahahahahaha! He's smiling! So all I can do is crack up! This is what our Saturday nights consist of now. This is our excitement on the weekends. This is what we live for. Well, not the poop, but you know what I mean. God is always smiling down on us and He definitely has a sense of humor!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day #3 - Random Thoughts

1. Love Love Love Cinnamon Creme in my coffee and I think it's turning me into a coffee addict.

2. Yesterday Kate and Lauren were headed downstairs when Kate said, "Follow the yellow brick road with me Lauren!". Lauren's reply was, "O E O, O Oh!" (she's not even 2!). Brought tears to my eyes, but when I told Miko, he said "Maybe they watch too much Wizard of Oz???". I'm thinking he needs to read my blog about picking battles.

3. Madeline has 2 teeth, but still isn't sitting up. She's 6 months old. I know I shouldn't worry, it'll all be fine, but I find myself worrying...

4. Just turned around in my desk chair, Kate and Lauren are sitting side by side and Kate is "reading" the Bible to Lauren. AWESOME! And now just that quickly, she's quoting Wizard of Oz. Maybe they do watch it too much....

5. I've had a headache for about 4 days now. Not a huge one, but just enough to irritate me. I know I need a massage... however, this headache seems to correspond with my husband being out of town... hmmmm... I always thought he caused my headaches.

6. Potty-training Lauren is going splendidly! I've only had to throw away one pair of underwear that she #2'd in. And yes, I'm serious! I threw those nasty things away. I can only take so much!

7. Michael is officially back from his trip to Wisconsin. He went straight to work, without coming home first. Bummed me out a bit, but I totally understand. The girls would have never let him leave to go back into the office... And as I look outside, I realize he brought the snow with him... Ugh...

8. I'm ready for spring.

9. I miss my dad!

10. I am soooo happy I started blogging, although the word BLOG really is kinda grossing me out. BLOG BLOG BLOG. Sounds kinda nasty. But this is becoming very therapeutic for me. Getting all the craziness outta my head is kinda helpful.

So those 10 thoughts just all came to me in the last 10 minutes or so, of me sitting here at this desk. My mind truly works this way... Scary, huh?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day #2 - Picking My Battles

Day 2 of blogging and Day 3 of Miko (formerly known as Michael) being gone... Steadily still losing my mind, but still playing along.
So yesterday, I was feeling real awful about my parenting/leadership of these 3 little girls. I watched The Talk (gasp!) and Nicole Richie was talking about how she doesn't allow her kids to have any sugar, or dairy, no battery operated toys, no plastic ANYTHING (hence, no fun - kidding of course). She was saying how their brains are being formed and their reproductive systems are developing and blah blah blah. And I was left thinking, "Wow, I really suck at this being a mom stuff!!" My girls love their plastic, battery operated, brand new, dollhouse. They also love their brownies and cookies and cereal, none of which is sugar-free or vegan. I honestly was really beating myself up.
Later a friend asked for advice on FB. She's struggling with parenting and her lack of time for her husband and her post-baby weight and just day-to-day in general. I quickly, surprisingly so, commented with my advice, without a second thought. After sitting and thinking about that, I realized that I'm really not so bad at this mom stuff...
My comment to her was to "pick your battles". My mother-in-law, Lu, told me that right after my first daughter was born. I have learned to apply that to pretty much everything, everyday, and everyone.
My girls eat Oreos (i ate oreos when i was their age, ok... i still eat oreos). My girls watch Sponge Bob (i really hate to admit that, but when i have not showered in 2 days and i need them occupied, sponge bob is the least of my worries). My girls say things like "you're totally freaking me out!" and "you are seriously driving me crazy!" (am i proud of that? absolutely not... something i def need to work on). But my girls are happy. They are loved, and they know they are loved. They are well taken care of, beautiful, thoughtful, smart little princesses. Do I know they'd be all those things without dairy and sugar and batteries and TV and plastic and cleaning supply fumes and pressure-treated wood, and chemicals in their clothes and carpet and furniture and bedding and on and on and on and on (you get the idea...)? Sure they would. I'll even go so far as to admit they'd be better without all the crap that bombards their little systems on a day to day basis.
However, they would have a mom that was totally losing it. A mom in a constant panic about every single thing they were coming in contact with and exposed to. And yes, I know that EVERY decision I make is influencing the rest of their lives. I struggle with even typing that and think about it almost constantly. But, I'm not ready or willing to take on those battles right now. Maybe someday, but not now. For now, I'll make sure they're buckled in their car seats (because i know i sure never was), and I'll do my best to limit their exposure to second-hand smoke (because i know i sure was exposed), and I'll play with them as much as I can everyday, even with plastic toys (because my mom didn't have the luxury of staying at home).
And I'll know I'm doing the best I can do, with what I have, and what I know now... God wouldn't have it any other way!

Day #1

(i wrote all this yesterday, in a notebook, with EVERY page covered in drawings by my children. i picked a page that only had yellow crayon on it, so that i would be able to see what i had written to type it up later... so i have 2 posts today... because this one really should have been yesterday. if that makes any kind of sense at all...)

So I've been thinking for months about starting a blog and have just not gotten around to it. You  know the old adage - Life Always Seems To Get In The Way. And I sometimes think I won't have anything interesting to write about, because the really funny or truly enlightening stuff has already come and gone. Within a day of me thinking that however, something else happens that pretty much knocks my socks off...
So today --- Today is day #2 of 4 days of Michael being gone. I'm going to be honest. I knew I'd miss him but I was excited to have the house (and TV) to myself in the evenings. I was looking forward to some quiet, some "me" time, no husband snoring, no military channel. Well, I take all those happy thoughts back now. I truly can't believe I thought I'd have any time to myself that I didn't want to use to curl up into a fetal position and cry. I mean, I'm not a complete basket case or anything... but I'm definitely missing the tag team approach we have mastered in the evenings.
Yea, I'm the stay at home mom with the job I always wanted, the brand new house, the hardworking husband, the 3 beautiful little girls, 2 yellow labs, and even the mini-van (ugh!). but there are days that I think "What was I thinking???? I definitely don't think I knew I was signing up for this!!!"
Would I trade this life for anything? Of course not... and I think God does everything for a reason. Day #2 of 4 days with no Michael was granted to me because I was probably not appreciative enough. I'm so grateful and lucky to have the amazing, understanding, wonderful husband
I have! And I'll remember that on Saturday when he's home with the kids and I'm out sipping on some wine with a couple of my besties....