Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day #39 - Another birthday

We celebrated another birthday in our house... Kate turned 5!!! I can not believe it!!!!! This whirlwind of a life is just flying by.

There are days that I really wish would hurry up and pass. Days when I've had 3 girls in time-out more than they've been out. Days when I've lost my cool and come to them apologizing for yelling. Days when I swear that the dirty dishes (and dirty laundry) will never end. Days of waiting for life to "just get on with it already", and leave me feeling more settled. Days that contentment has alluded me and depression seems to take over.

Then there are the other days. The days that, thankfully, I seem to be experiencing more and more often. Days that the girls play wonderfully together for hours while I fold laundry and actually get it put away where it belongs. Days that I get extra hugs and kisses and hear "You're the best mommy, EVER!". Days that the sun shines, the birds sing, and smiles are plentiful in our home. Days that Michael and I just sync and everything seems to fall into place. Days that meals are eaten, messes are cleaned up, screaming is minimal.

And as another birthday comes and goes - I realize that I really need to focus on those good days. I need to treasure the moments of adorable toddler- and preschool-ness that will only exist for a little bit longer. The days of diapers and bottles are quickly leaving me (not that I'm griping about that) and are being traded for barbies, and sequins, and lipstick (chapstick).

My girls are my testimony, my legacy, and they're amazing. They're little balls of wonder and thoughtfulness and beauty... Even when they're beating on each other, screaming, and fighting... ;-)


381. Kate
382. Lauren
383. Madeline
384. Michael
385. Haircuts for the girls today
386. Sunshine!
387. Quiet alone time for Kate and I tonight
388. An amazing husband that has arranged his work schedule tomorrow to accommodate Kate's sleep study tonight.
389. Awesome deals
390. A dressing room experience that didn't leave me in a cold sweat


  1. I want to go home right now and wrap Ava in my arms and never let go. Life is way too short and soon our girls will be old enough to drive and get into trouble together (YIKES!). Thank you for this Stephanie, you are an amazing person, a wonderful friend, and a perfect mother!

  2. Wow that was totally amazing and made me cry. Left me wondering why I never blogged about my life feelings and experiences when you were growing up. :{ The woulda, shoulda and coulda's can kick my butt if I let them, but because of you, I choose to stick in the gratitude of what is. Loving you so very much with great pride and happiness in my heart for having such a wonderfully beautiful daughter named Stephanie Lee....xoxox
