Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day #8 - WOW!

Holy Moly!

I say, write, type, do a lot of dumb stuff!
And lately, I'm really down on myself for my faults... Maybe I should start thinking about some positive things? Maybe even keep track of them? Let's say... Starting NOW!

1. My beautiful girls in the bathtub. I thank God for them everyday!
2. My littliest girl crawling around on the floor. Her too! Her too!
3. My wonderfu,l hard-working, loving husband. Could God have given me a better other half?! No way!!!! My meant-to-be!
4. Our big ever-growing extended family. We are all so blessed!
5. Spaghetti dinner last night. Yummo!
6. Cookies and milk after we got the kids to bed. Guilty pleasure.
7. Bananas and oranges for breakfast. I think the girls are sick of cereal, and we're out of eggs.
8. A fantastic weekend planned. Woo Hoo! Kate turns 4!
9. Good friends, old and new. I thank God for you guys every day too!
10. The melting snow!!!! Spring is almost here!!!! I can smell it!

Okay, I'll start with those 10. We'll see how fast this list expands. And TODAY, I'm going to try and stay as positive and upbeat as possible. Putting my faith and heart where it belongs!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow mama! This is what I have to do quite often. I am always walking toward the light, so I think, only to find out that I am walking in the direction of the reflection which makes me still in the dark. It is okay. Do not be so hard on yourself. God knows your heart and he will always keep the light on for you. We may miss it from time to time, but being grateful will keep us on the path. I am lovin this! You are the best and don't let anyone tell you different, most especially yourself. This is not perfection, but progress and staying in the process no matter what.......
