Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day #9 - My Baby Turned 4!

So Kate turned 4 years old on the 4th of March... I'm over it now, but I was really struggling... I feel like we ("we" being society at a whole) are always in such a hurry. And I know this is something that has been talked about so much that it's probably old news to most of us, but it really, really, really hit me when my baby turned 4.
The last 5 years of my life have been crazy, fun, eventful, full, unbelievable, changing, scary, enlightening, wonderful, sad, and so much more...
Summer of 2005, I bought my first house, all on my own! Empowering to say the least!
December of 2005, Michael proposed to me!
Summer of 2006, We found out we were pregnant for Kate. Wow!
Fall (October) of 2006, Michael and I were married... I know I know... Wrong order... What can I say?
Spring (March) of 2007, Kate was born and we became parents for the first time!
Summer of 2007, Michael got a new job and started traveling. The plan was for us all to move to Wisconsin as soon as we sold our house in Lansing... However, the housing market was beginning its downturn... We never made that move... Instead, I was a single mom during the week, while working full-time, and Daddy came home on the weekends to see us. Less than ideal.
Spring of 2008, We found out we were pregnant with baby #2, soon to be known as Lauren Michaella. Totally shocked! Baby #2 was not planned either...
Summer of 2008, Michael got another new job, with Menard's. We were moving to Ohio. Our house finally sold on a short-sale, trashing my credit, but at least it was only in my name. And we were off on our new adventure.
Late Fall, Early Winter of 2008, They began construction of Michael's new plant in Holiday City, Ohio. We rented a beautiful home from Menard's, which worked out perfectly, except that you could see the plant from our back windows. Needless to say, Michael was working 80-90 hour work weeks, and was called into help on things non-stop.
Winter (January) of 2009, Lauren Michaella was born. Michael's plant was up and running, but not without glitches. He was still working insane hours and I fell into some pretty harsh post-partum depression.
Summer of 2009, We had been in our rental house for a year and decided maybe we should look into buying a house. I started browsing and found a repossession that looked decent. Later that summer, we were moving into it. Ugh, moving AGAIN!
Winter 2009, Pregnant AGAIN! OH TRIPLE WOW! Really, really, really, not planned! Lauren was not yet a year old and our family was already growing again!?!
Summer (July) 2010, We welcomed our 3rd beautiful baby girl into the world. Madeline Jean.
Quick synopsis - in 5 years, we have been in 3 homes, had 3 babies, 2 dogs, moved out of Michigan just to move right back to Michigan, gotten married... Obviously not in that order... Can I just say WHEW?!?
I am sooooo ready for things to just slow down. We have so much work to do at this house. The girls are going to start activities soon (soccer, dance, etc...). Kate will start pre-school in the fall. I really don't see anything slowing down anytime soon.
But I am definitely looking forward to a glass of wine in the evening this summer (because I won't be pregnant), sitting on my half-stained, half-finished deck (we'll get to that eventually). I just need some time to rest, and unwind, and enjoy my husbands company... Looking forward to THAT!

And my blessings...
11. Our grocery bill last night. We desperately needed groceries!
12. Mud. It means the snow and frost and sleet will all soon be history.
13. Bath tubs. Keep the girls entertained so that I can take 15 minutes to throw a blog together.
14. Kate's birthday. Helps to remind me to slow down and enjoy the special moments.
15. Make-up. Semi-hides my lack of sleep.
16. The Bible. Keeps me sane!
17. Music. We watched zero TV yesterday...
18. TV. It keeps me sane too. ;o)
19. Facebook. For keeping me "connected" to my old friends.
20. My Bible study girls. For being my new friends.

1 comment:

  1. It's ironically funny that you had to short sell your house thus trashing your credit, then bought a foreclosed house. It balances out.
