Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day #4 - Holy Wierdness...

So... I haven't posted in a few days, and I just put 2 of the 3 girls in the bathtub (mommy's quiet time) and decided to wing it...
I was thinking about writing about how we were in Pizza Hut for lunch today, when an older couple (prob 65-70 yrs old) approached us as they were leaving. They said, "Your girls are beautiful and very well-behaved!". We thanked them and they left. I just looked at Miko, and I'm sure I was beaming.
I know that I think my girls are pretty well-behaved. I mean, when they're not, we just leave. We have ordered food before, and then left, waited in the car for them to box it up, and taken it home to eat it. I will not be that parent with the screaming, crazy acting child in the middle of a restaurant... or grocery store... or even WalMart (where it's actually half-way acceptable).
And of course, my parents and in-laws always say my little ones are wonderful but they have to (I mean, they're blood). But there is nothing that makes me feel as accomplished and proud as when a stranger approaches me with something positive to say about my little family. Like I said, I know I beam with pride...
But anyway - I've gotten completely off subject - that's what I WAS gonna write about... That is, until Kate yelled from my master bath, "Mommmmmmeeeeeeeee, there was something ucky in this bath-tub. I threw it on the floor. Can you come see what it is please?" In I went to investigate, thinking it's probably a hair or something, because she's usually freaking out about something ridiculous. Could I be that lucky?!? Oh no... no... no... no... Kate then says, "I think it kinda looks like poop." As I bend down to check it out, I quickly discover that's exactly what it is!
Lauren has been doing a great job with potty training until this very moment. I now have a bathtub full of toys and soapy water, not to mention 2 children, and it's also full of poop! I quickly scoop them out and turn around to pull Michael away from his football game, and crash right into him and his big smile.
Bahahahahaha! He's smiling! So all I can do is crack up! This is what our Saturday nights consist of now. This is our excitement on the weekends. This is what we live for. Well, not the poop, but you know what I mean. God is always smiling down on us and He definitely has a sense of humor!


  1. ...and after you have de-poopified the toys and cleaned the still realize that your Saturday nights are still worth all the hassle. We will have our nights where we feel young again but until then. I totally feel ya girl!

  2. ...hillarious..... knowing how Miko is obsessed with poop only makes it better....

  3. Be happy they didn't eat the poop :) Morgan did around 10mo??? Anyway, totally yucky but funny now- Darryl actually called poison control, he's the one that freaked out while I grabbed the toothbrush & do what mommies do.

    Enjoying your blogs Steph, keep 'em goin'. Hugs!
