Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day #2 - Picking My Battles

Day 2 of blogging and Day 3 of Miko (formerly known as Michael) being gone... Steadily still losing my mind, but still playing along.
So yesterday, I was feeling real awful about my parenting/leadership of these 3 little girls. I watched The Talk (gasp!) and Nicole Richie was talking about how she doesn't allow her kids to have any sugar, or dairy, no battery operated toys, no plastic ANYTHING (hence, no fun - kidding of course). She was saying how their brains are being formed and their reproductive systems are developing and blah blah blah. And I was left thinking, "Wow, I really suck at this being a mom stuff!!" My girls love their plastic, battery operated, brand new, dollhouse. They also love their brownies and cookies and cereal, none of which is sugar-free or vegan. I honestly was really beating myself up.
Later a friend asked for advice on FB. She's struggling with parenting and her lack of time for her husband and her post-baby weight and just day-to-day in general. I quickly, surprisingly so, commented with my advice, without a second thought. After sitting and thinking about that, I realized that I'm really not so bad at this mom stuff...
My comment to her was to "pick your battles". My mother-in-law, Lu, told me that right after my first daughter was born. I have learned to apply that to pretty much everything, everyday, and everyone.
My girls eat Oreos (i ate oreos when i was their age, ok... i still eat oreos). My girls watch Sponge Bob (i really hate to admit that, but when i have not showered in 2 days and i need them occupied, sponge bob is the least of my worries). My girls say things like "you're totally freaking me out!" and "you are seriously driving me crazy!" (am i proud of that? absolutely not... something i def need to work on). But my girls are happy. They are loved, and they know they are loved. They are well taken care of, beautiful, thoughtful, smart little princesses. Do I know they'd be all those things without dairy and sugar and batteries and TV and plastic and cleaning supply fumes and pressure-treated wood, and chemicals in their clothes and carpet and furniture and bedding and on and on and on and on (you get the idea...)? Sure they would. I'll even go so far as to admit they'd be better without all the crap that bombards their little systems on a day to day basis.
However, they would have a mom that was totally losing it. A mom in a constant panic about every single thing they were coming in contact with and exposed to. And yes, I know that EVERY decision I make is influencing the rest of their lives. I struggle with even typing that and think about it almost constantly. But, I'm not ready or willing to take on those battles right now. Maybe someday, but not now. For now, I'll make sure they're buckled in their car seats (because i know i sure never was), and I'll do my best to limit their exposure to second-hand smoke (because i know i sure was exposed), and I'll play with them as much as I can everyday, even with plastic toys (because my mom didn't have the luxury of staying at home).
And I'll know I'm doing the best I can do, with what I have, and what I know now... God wouldn't have it any other way!


  1. yea dont listen to celebrities and their parenting because most, not all, but most have a nanny or two and the celebrities dont have to worry about cooking, cleaning or shopping for neccesaties. you have 3 children under five, so its always going to be al little hectic, right? and ur totally right dont obsess over kids every thought and movement, just let them be kids, worry free and happy!! and its their nothing wrong with us mommies enjoying ourselves either!!
    yure doing great!!
    stephanie s./dewitt,mi

  2. Mary G./East Grand Rapids, MIJanuary 6, 2011 at 12:33 AM

    Not only are you a great Mom, Steph, you are a great writer too. I love reading your narratives about the ups and downs of being a busy mom. Keep up the good work and enjoy every second with your precious little girls because they grow up way too fast! Take each day one step at a time and cherish it. God will give you what you need for each day so don't stress about tomorrow... and Michael will be home soon!!

  3. You are a wonderful mom Stephanie and your children have a great role model. I always look to you for advice even though my daughter is older then Kate. But kids deserve to be happy, they are young and a little direction is good but let them be kids, it only happens once. I look forward to more :) Stephanie Z./Carson City, MI
