Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day #3 - Random Thoughts

1. Love Love Love Cinnamon Creme in my coffee and I think it's turning me into a coffee addict.

2. Yesterday Kate and Lauren were headed downstairs when Kate said, "Follow the yellow brick road with me Lauren!". Lauren's reply was, "O E O, O Oh!" (she's not even 2!). Brought tears to my eyes, but when I told Miko, he said "Maybe they watch too much Wizard of Oz???". I'm thinking he needs to read my blog about picking battles.

3. Madeline has 2 teeth, but still isn't sitting up. She's 6 months old. I know I shouldn't worry, it'll all be fine, but I find myself worrying...

4. Just turned around in my desk chair, Kate and Lauren are sitting side by side and Kate is "reading" the Bible to Lauren. AWESOME! And now just that quickly, she's quoting Wizard of Oz. Maybe they do watch it too much....

5. I've had a headache for about 4 days now. Not a huge one, but just enough to irritate me. I know I need a massage... however, this headache seems to correspond with my husband being out of town... hmmmm... I always thought he caused my headaches.

6. Potty-training Lauren is going splendidly! I've only had to throw away one pair of underwear that she #2'd in. And yes, I'm serious! I threw those nasty things away. I can only take so much!

7. Michael is officially back from his trip to Wisconsin. He went straight to work, without coming home first. Bummed me out a bit, but I totally understand. The girls would have never let him leave to go back into the office... And as I look outside, I realize he brought the snow with him... Ugh...

8. I'm ready for spring.

9. I miss my dad!

10. I am soooo happy I started blogging, although the word BLOG really is kinda grossing me out. BLOG BLOG BLOG. Sounds kinda nasty. But this is becoming very therapeutic for me. Getting all the craziness outta my head is kinda helpful.

So those 10 thoughts just all came to me in the last 10 minutes or so, of me sitting here at this desk. My mind truly works this way... Scary, huh?

1 comment:

  1. I agree the word "blog" is kinda gross, but it sure is working for you and I smile each time I see a new one from you. I do not even need to read them. I just know you hard at work to become better and help yourself with the quickness of our brains and thoughts that could drive us crazy if we let them. Maybe I should try this?!!!! I am proud to tell you that your girls will not have to be around second hand smoke when it comes to me.....Yeah!!!! Now I need to wash everything and spring clean so my house looks and continues to smell good.
    Madeline is doing great, do not worry. Lauren is amazing and Kate is the whip. Your girls are so very smart. It does not matter if they watch or read a book once or 100 times, they remember it, so do not worry about the You're the best.
