Monday, February 20, 2012

Day #36 - Social Websites

It's been awhile since I've posted. Doesn't change the fact that I still have LOADS floating around in my mind... just a testament at how busy I've been.
First things first, Kate seems to be doing alright. We have a couple more appts scheduled, but I feel like the worst is behind us. I guess I'm trusting that she's going to be fine regardless of any test results.

So... back to my title... social websites... let me warn you, this may be a bit all over the place... I'm in the parking lot of Kate's school, listening to Wizard of Oz, and typing on my phone. Bare with me.

I guess I almost don't know where to start actually. I don't want to throw anyone specifically under the bus, but I'm sure feeling icky about a situation.
I'll begin with a question. When you delete a friend on Facebook, are you deleting them from your life? Okay maybe 2 questions. Is the act of deleting someone some sort of a silent statement? I guess I have questionS. Do you think, at the time, "I'll show them!!"? Am I the only one that wishes Facebook would notify you when you've been deleted? Ooh, or even better, that you got a message from the deletor (prob not even a word) with an explanation of why they chose to delete you? That could get pointed!

I've been deleted more times than I probably even know... and actually have done my share of deleting. When I came back to Facebook this time, my intention was to delete practically everyone. Instead, I chose to unsubscribe to most people. That way, they wouldn't assume I was upset or anything.
Anyway -- as you have probably gather -- I was deleted at some point over the weekend. I'm still perplexed over the whole mess -- as I'm sure you also can gather. I did send a text kind of asking for an explanation, although I'm actually not sure I need one. The point of me mentioning that? This was an actual "friend", not just some random Facebook friend/old classmate/3rd cousin twice removed. I was deleted by a bff.

And I will admit that we have not communicated a whole lot, like at all, in the past few months... and I did get an email Friday that I attempted to respond to Sunday, but I guess I was too late. I had already been deleted. Shoulda stayed home from the funeral I attended to email her back?!? I guess I wasn't in a huge hurry. I sure never expected to be written off...

Brings me to another question. Since when were friendships so easily disposed of that all it takes is a click of "delete", with no conversation, no consideration? Pretty sad state of affairs, if you ask me... and I know you didn't "ask", but I guess you care, if you're reading, right?!? ;-)

I'm of the belief that things happen for a reason. I think this friendship had reached its expiration date. Quite honestly, if my lack of response to 2 text messages and/or lack of a reply to an email within 24 hours is enough to send someone to the hills, I'm probably better off. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends. I need my friends. But I guess I'm at a stage in my life right now I can't do high maintenance. And more than that, I don't want to do high maintenance.

I need loving, supportive people in my life. People who aren't self-centered or dishonest. I need transparency, accountability, and trust.
Maybe that's too much to ask from some... but not from the good ones... and they know who they are...


331. Deletions
332. Tossed salad on a Friday night
333. Seeing family on Saturday
334. Remembering what's truly important
335. Hugs and kisses from my late Grandma's brother and sisters
336. Hearing how I'm missed, and loved
337. Comments that my beautiful daughter looks like me
338. An impromptu meeting with the in-laws
339. Ronald McDonald in McDonald's
340. Watching Lauren light up while talking to him
341. Laughter from all the children
342. Sleeping babies on the way home from a full day
343. Day trips that allow us to sleep in our own beds at night
344. Realization that our church is important enough not to miss
345. A hug from an older church member, with the words "we sure missed you last week"
346. Hearing from someone else how amazing my hubby is with our girls
347. An afternoon nap
348. Spaghetti and meatballs
349. Meeting up with friends tonight
350. A busy week

1 comment:

  1. You have a way of saying things and asking questions that I could never put in words as good as you have. You are a great person Steph and I love you like a sister and as far as I am concerned, anyone who "deletes" without an explanation is missing out on having you part of their life. Did I say that right? See my words are terrible. Love ya.
