Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day #24 - Parking Lot Confessions

This post is actually from yesterday... I can't type on my blog from my phone, but I do have access to an app that allows me to journal. I don't think it's going to be continued effort, however. Typing an entire blog using one finger, on my tiny phone, just isn't working for me. I guess I need to take a book (the Bible???) or something when I have time to kill...

So here I am, sitting in the parking lot of Stadium Roller Skating. Lauren, Madeline and I are waiting for our Mommy and Me class to start. Normally, we'd wander through Walmart, or peruse Kroger. However, for the second time in less than a week, I forgot my wallet. So, here we sit. Thank goodness for my van's DVD player! Toy Story saves the day.

Today is my first day with no Facebook. Ugh. I have to admit, I'm struggling. Especially since I have nothing to do at the moment... silly wallet...

I know that I've made the right decision though. And I'm excited to see what develops from this change. Miko is thrilled. I swear he's 1/2 Amish or something! He's anti-social-media. Although now I think he may be onto something with that...

Me and my addictive personality will just suffer through the detox. I'm sure I'll  survive. And maybe my junk drawers won't be quite so junky, since I'll have time to organize. Maybe my laundry will be better caught up. Maybe my frazzled-ness will be lightened up. And maybe my girls will be happier with a Mommy that is plugged into them, instead of all the people she hasn't seen in years... a Mommy that has some time to color vs FB stalk...

I'm only anticipating great things. The people that were interested in my random thoughts, can follow me here... And hopefully email or comment... so that I'll feel kinda connected.

My blessings - I didn't get this far in typing yesterday...

181. Social Network Sites
182. The ability I have to realize when things have become a problem
183. My extra supportive friends that are along on this ride with me
184. My understanding family that puts up with my nonsense
185. The new projects I'll work on with my doll babies
186. Getting stuff done
187. Freshly laundered clothing
188. Clean closets
189. Random visits from family
190. Hugs
191. And kisses from my girls
192. Finger jello for my Star Student
193. Teaching the girls the songs for the Christmas Program at Church
194. The smiles on their faces as they learn
195. Singing at the top of our lungs
196. Loud music on the way to school in the morning
197. Madeline learning to dance
198. Much needed face time with my friends
199. Laughter
200. Making it to #200!!!!!!

I might be back later - Remember I have no facebook... So I have a lot more time to think... And quite a few ideas for posts floating around in this head of mine...

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog posts...I think I need to FB detox, too, but haven't worked up the courage!!!
