Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day #22 - A lot to learn

I emailed someone today and said, "God doesn't make mistakes." I believe this is the truth. The thing that you need to understand is, I don't know where that came from. I mean, sometimes things just "come to me". Not that I coined that saying, or that I have never heard it before, but I was in the middle of an email... and it came to me... It was fitting. I knew I was right. But it seriously came out of the clear blue.

And I know to anyone that isn't a Christian, this may sound a little fishy, or far-fetched, but I don't have any other way to explain it. The Holy Spirit moves in me, and things come out of my mouth, or through my fingers, from no where. I'm not saying that I'm not me when it happens, or it's some freaky weird supernatural crazy out of body experience. It's actually quite the opposite. It happens, I replay what I said (or what was written) and I realize those words came from somewhere else...

I love this blessing. And that is what I truly believe it is. A blessing from above.

I don't always know the right things to say, at the exact right time. I fumble over words often. I'm not as eloquent as I'd like. But I know what I know. I also know I have a lot more that I want to know. And that excites me.

In the same way that I feel like I'm being used to spread God's word, I also know when other people claim to be and truly are not. I've been told that is a spiritual gift. I do believe that, although there is some question in my mind about when I received that gift... Long story... And I can't get into all that until I do a bit more research.

I get a weird feeling... a shudder, maybe... a need, a yearn, to speak and stop the person... or even to get up and walk out of the room. I've been moved to tears, been upset enough to yell, been in a fit of a leg shake (that is almost funny - my leg just starts a jittering and I don't even realize it until someone looks at me like I'm nuts). Crazy enough, my Pastor just talked to my bible study group about this and said that he's been known to get hives. I'm glad I'm not to that point... crying is probably better than hives, ay?

So here I am. Stuck. Stuck because I've not done enough work. Ready to yell, and cry, and shudder, and in the middle of a leg shake (not really leg shaking - I'm just saying that for drama's sake) and I don't know scripture well enough to know why this is happening to me. I know someone is not speaking the truth. I know that beyond a shadow of any doubt. However, I don't know scripture well enough to refute it. UGH!!!

I worry about people. I worry that they're on a slippery slope. Headed down. Straight down. 

You can't babble nonsense, say it’s God’s Word and call yourself a Christian. You can't quote scripture out of context and call yourself Holy. That's not how it works. You need to be sure. You need to understand. You need to study, and question, and read, before you start trying to teach. Just because you say you’re a Christian doesn’t make it so. Christianity is about more than that… And I’m real worried about the people that have done nothing, and suddenly believe they know everything... People that I care about...

Keep praying!


151. Patience
152. Judgment
153. My spiritual gift
154. A wonderful Thanksgiving week with my family
155. Babysitters
156. The upcoming Christmas holiday
157. A warm house tonight during the first snow storm of the season
158. Our full calendar
159. Words of wisdom
160. Prayers with my husband in the morning
161. My girls mastering the Lord's Prayer
162. Learning the 10 Commandments
163. A hardworking husband
164. Grilled cheese and tomato soup on this chilly evening
165. A glass of wine in the evening
166. Or 2...
167. God's tests
168. Mercy
169. Forgiveness
170. A renewed love

1 comment:

  1. Phenomenal. I know exactly what you are talking about sweetie. I know my gift came from my grandma Piper. I felt her spirit flow into and through me the day she passed. She never preached, but she lived the good life with God all through it. We are a blessed family. I love you my sweet daughter and continue to pray for the hedge of protection around my beautifully blessed family and covered in the blood.
