Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day #21 - Love thy neighbor...

I'm learning that the more I learn, the more I have to learn... Probably something that a lot of people figured out earlier in life than I have... Oh well, I'm getting there right?

I'm struggling with some stuff tonight. I know, after all the positives I had last post... Welcome to my life. Feel sorry for my poor husband.

Proverbs 25:21-22 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.

Oh boy... Oh boy oh boy... I'm stumbling on this. 

First, how do I identify my enemy?? Is this just someone I dislike? People that try to harm me, or harm the people I care about? How about all of the above? For argument's sake, we'll go with that...

Second, in reading this, I realize I can’t take it literally... I mean, if the enemy in question is no where near me... Like across the state somewhere... I obviously can't take him, or her... okay, lets be real here, HER a sandwich and a glass of milk. On top of that, I wouldn't talk to her long enough to find out that she is hungry or thirsty. Ugh. I avoid any conversations at all costs. So we'll have to figure that it means be good, supportive, and helpful to our enemies. Yuck, right?

Third and the part I'm really struggling with - What if I just want to heap the burning coals on "his" head myself? I mean, literally. I know, I know, I'm terrible. But it's true, at times, well, really, most of the time.

I guess I need to concentrate on the end there... that the Lord will reward me... Wow.

Here's where I get really real. I really bombed tonight. I was attacked, and I came out with nails bared ready to lunge. Not literally, of course. (remember, she's too far away) But I was thoroughly ticked. This “enemy” is sick. I really do believe that. And she’s truly going out of her way to get under my skin in any way she can. I’m doing my best to distance myself from any contact with her… But she went so far as to seek out my blog. Yea, I had deleted her on silly Facebook, refrained from posting on her friend’s status updates, pictures, etc… And she found me on Blogger. Unbelievable. Truly. She made sure to comment, so that I knew she had found me. I was shocked. I don’t know why the fascination with me and what I have going on… But I guess that’s neither here nor there… So I deleted her comment, blocked her from viewing my blog, blocked anonymous comments from my blog, blocked her on FB, and sent her a text asking her to please refrain from contacting me. She was not done. It exploded from there. It spiraled out of control. And now, I’m kicking myself, while she’s probably enjoying a glass of wine and smiling at herself.

I’m sure that I played right into her hand… Dang it… I totally tried to heap the coals instead of giving her a slice of pizza and a beer. Dang Dang Dang it! And it really stings because she immediately reverts to insulting me and my Christianity. Saying how I don't practice what I preach. I'm a work in progress, YOU, enemy!!!

I guess I can take a bit of pride in realizing that at least this time, I remembered the scripture. I meditated on it. I was a little late. It would’ve been nice if it had popped into my little head before I freaked out and lost my marbles. But I DID remember the scripture!!! Baby steps right?

141. The sickness leaving my house after a REAL long week of yuck
142. The beautiful weather today
143. Getting out of the house for a bit to do some shopping
144. My well behaved little girls in the horribly long line at Kohl’s
145. 3 sleeping babies when we pulled back in the driveway
146. The friendly neighbor that stopped in to let us know our dogs had run off to the next section over
147. My husband having a truck to bring the filthy animals home
148. Celebrating another MSU football victory
149. My hubby not working 3rd shift for at least a couple of weeks
150. Yummy potato soup


  1. You are greatly amazing daughter. You are progress in motion. Sometimes we must take 3 steps forward and one back, it is called a lesson in humility. Allowing others to be who and what they are without any input from us will leave them sitting in their own filth and disgust. Offer them a glass of water or a sandwich if they are in need, other wise, let them go and let God take care of them....Pray for them, then pray for your deliverance from feeling the need to control the outcome. You are doing great, just had a human I love and appreciate you always. If you ever need a drink or something to eat, please let me know. Oops, i think I just gave you a drink and you did not even have to ask for it.

  2. I love you and remember as mom said "it was just a human moment". She got the best of you for a moment. The main thing is you did take time to pray and think on it. In the end you remembered the word and you followed it. Thats what it's all about! If today you are still struggling remember 1 Peter 3:9...and know that I will always be beside you learning as we go
