Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day #46 - Honesty Is Always The Best Policy?

So I wrote this post months ago... But never posted it... Not sure why. I guess I wasn't "feeling it", but it's kinda relevant now, so I figured I'd go for it. I welcome any input. I've kinda gotten myself into a conundrum here...

When is too much information, truly too much?

Have we lost our filters? When friendships build, or families bond, and walls come down, is that always a good thing? Does telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God = forgetting to guard people’s hearts, crossing imaginary lines and no longer caring about hurting others feelings?

Do we ALWAYS really NEED to know EVERYTHING? If not everything, then how do we know when enough is really enough?

I’m not saying that any of this is always intentional… I think that sometimes we say things, and then look back and realize our buffer was not functioning. In some cases, alcohol may be a factor (not that i’m speaking from personal experience in that area, ah hem) and quite often it’s because our emotions have gotten the best of us. Other times, I truly believe that things are said with the best of intentions, but without maybe thinking through how they will be interpreted or taken.

So does that make it all forgivable?

And if so, how do you forget what has been said once the apology has been issued? Once the words have been uttered, is there any way to really take them back?

I’ve always said, I’m an everything kind of person. I’d rather know, than feel like I have to guess. I’d rather be sure, than assume. I’d rather risk hurting someone’s feelings, than bite my tongue and put on a fake face. And if someone asks me, or demands accountability, I’m definitely going to speak the truth, and hold them to it.

Recently though, I’ve found myself wondering… Why did I need to know that? What good came from the knowledge? What good will come from me spewing these feelings? Does this person really, really, want the accountability that they claim to? If I say ________, will they interpret it as_______?

I guess I’m almost saying that I don’t know that I know what honesty really looks like anymore… That’s scary to think, let alone type, and will be even scarier when I re-read it. That’s where I’m at though…

Is it still honesty if it’s ugly? Is it still the truth, even if it’s just an interpretation? When giving advice, real advice, is it best to follow your brain, your heart, or neither? Is fleshly advice worth anything anymore?

I’m befuddled. Perplexed. Confused. Almost exasperated. I’m convinced that we all need to do the “right” thing (obviously), I’m just not sure what that looks like or sounds like… especially since every situation presents different opportunities… 

Opportunities to make or break a friendship. Opportunities to make amends or further divide. Chances to remedy and repair or continue to hurt and build walls. Crossroads that can lead to forgiveness and possible reconciliation or more issues and drama.

One more thing… Just to further complicate things…

If honesty is required, and it’s not always given, what happens to the relationship? Because truly, if we’re all real about it, there probably isn’t a single person that we’re totally and completely honest with 100% of the time.

441. A loving, FORGIVING husband.
442. A beautiful day at a pond yesterday.
443. Spending time with great friends.
444. Kate coming out of her shell.
445. Lauren being a love bug.
446. Madeline's no fear attitude.
447. Air conditioning.
448. Grilled chicken legs.
449. A dip in the pool after dinner as a family.
450. Kate and Lauren finally going under water.
451. Kate says it's "easy peasy!"
452. Lauren so trusting.
453. Madeline really really talking.
454. A trip to Manistee.
455. Michael enjoying the fishing.
456. Yummy fish we brought home to grill.
457. Experiencing the beach with the girls.
458. Kate's new key phrase when I ask if the water is cold, "It's not too bad mom!"
459. Massive amounts of sand.
460. Wonderful family friends that open their house to us.
461. Awesome grilled meals - meatloaf and shish-ka-bobs.
462. Spending time with my "other" parents (my in-laws).
463. Ice cream after lunch.
464. Well-behaved girls that make me so proud!
465. A new niece, Mackenzie Mary.
466. Excitement for the new, first-time parents.
467. Another trip to the beach planned to go meet her!
468. A soon-to-be 2 year old baby at our house!
469. Looking forward to fireworks
470. Independence!


  1. Stephanie this is one this I have always valued about our friendship is your blunt honesty and calling me out on my mistakes when I have been a complete jerk. I respect you for it and I have learned from it over the years. I would never ask for any less. Love ya Girl!

  2. Honesty is the best policy....just gotta be careful with the intent, the delivery and give it with love, not malice, not with a tone and only for the good of another and yourself.....of course, keep in mind, the receiver may not be able to handle it, but then that would be there problem and give them something to think about. I say if your motives are good and you tell them lovingly, all is good.
